Thursday, 30 June 2022

B95: Star Wars, duhnuhnuh, Star Wars

I've been really starwarsy of late, the most I've been since about 1983, when I was very very starwarsy. 

I am the youngest of the original Star Wars generation, in that I was just about old enough to watch Return of the Jedi at the cinema. I have not, over the years, considered myself a major Star Wars freak, but I am fan enough. 

Really, Star Wars and still being starwarsy means attempting to feel again what it was the like to watch the first few minutes of the original film over and over again on the video player at our next door neighbours the Hymases in 82 and 83.

I'd say it's never come close, but I do remember I found The Force Awakens pretty thrilling at the cinema. The other one I found excellent at the cinema was Rogue One, and I think the spin-off shows are best when they catch the spirit of that film, or when they simply let fun actors have a bit of fun.

I haven't found any of the spin-off shows exceptional but I've found them all enjoyable, especially Obi-Wan Kenobi, obviously. Having said that, I found the prequel films enjoyable enough at cinema, and it was only after the event I'd think "that was a bit dreadful really", a suspicion confirmed if ever I catch a section on the TV. In isolation, the scenes, the acting, the script, yes, they're all as dreadful as people say.

Sometimes I think the Star Wars folk think people are into more than trying to recreate the first few minutes of the first film, and there are funny monsters and funky clothes and weird lore, but I expect they're fairly clued in now as to how to tick the right boxes - the monsters are ok, the weird lore is hohum.

Anyway, those are my brief and banal opinions on the star wars. You should see them.

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