Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Brief 40: Ford v Ferrari

 It's been bracing to watch a film and not like it one little bit.

It's not, objectively, a bad film.

It's directed by James Mangold, who generally directs pretty good films, it stars Christian Bale and Matt Damon, who are both good screen actors I tend to like a lot.

I hated the title - 'Ford vs Ferrari', and the alternative title 'Le Mans 66' and, let me tell you, I hate motor racing, but, what with it being Oscar-nominated and all, I thought the credentials and the notion of it being good old-fashioned solid entertainment would carry it through.

But what I did is underestimate how much I hated motor racing, how much I rejected the idea of motor racing as a film subject, an arena for nuance and for heroism, for humour, for idiosyncracies and for moving loves and friendship.

So, for every deftly plotted turn, ever well-written line, every well shot thrill, I went "yeah, so what", "who cares" "knobs" over and over again, like a small, small boy watching a romance.

And so I had a bit more sympathy for people who flat-out hate films which seem to be to have little wrong with them. There is not that much wrong with 'Ford V Ferrari' - I mean, all the accents are slightly wrong, all the banter is slightly off, all the historical detail doesn't quite ring quite true, but I'd definitely be able to put up with that if it was about cricket, basketball, or indeed boxing.

Though one of the reasons I hate motor racing is why many people hate boxing - it ain't worth it for all the deaths. But, at least, surely, people watching boxing films or reading boxing stories can believe that it has real value and meaning in people's lives, that the jeopardy is real? But here? These car pricks want to be faster than these car pricks, and this car prick wants this slightly more nuanced car prick to help him do that, but, really, it's all just nothing.

Anyway, it's quite a good film. You should see it.


  1. I will! But now I want to know what you think of Rush and, more to the point, Senna.
    Are you wilfully ignoring the undercurrent of motor racing being for posh twats and boxing for unposh twats which I have to assume informs some of your prejudice here?

    1. I watched Senna, which I thought very good, though i think I still had some of the same thoughts. I didn't watch Rush or, i don't think, any other racing film that i can think of.
      It's actually not that (class) at all, or hardly at all, certainly not originally. I always just hated car racing and didn't think it a proper sport. That's developed along certain lines, where certainly I find the adrenaline-fuelled culture of it absurd, the money obscene, its proximity to death wilful (in a way i don't mainly find with boxing, and i guess that is where the class element comes into play. Boxers do get into boxing to save their lives and build themselves and make something good of themselves, and the damage it causes for some is the grim pay-off, whereas, yes, cars are always just a plaything). The mortality of it feels pointless. But mainly, I just find it boring
