Thursday, 10 January 2019

101 Faces - 14

I am going strong - 66 to 70, and I have not included Bob Dylan or Ryan Giggs yet ...

I love a sweary northern poet classicist. I loved how he seemed to fight with language, how he wasn’t afraid to be clear and simple, but then to be complex. I mean, to be honest, I love him because we got to say f and c words in class when we were studying v, but that’s as good a reason as any. Tony Harrison the poet defeats the Boosh character Tony Harrison and the boxer Tony Harrison as my favourite Tony Harrison. By some distance.

There are always the unlikely people who slip through the cracks who were right THERE but no one's really heard of. I read about Pauline Boty in a novel - she acted in 'Alfie', she put up Dylan when he first came to Britain, but most importantly she was Britain's foremost female pop artist, a contemporary of the likes of Peter Blake. She died aged 28.

Well, the Tooting Constituency office used to be just below my flat so, you know, I feel a big part of this story... I like Sadiq, you know, he's moved on from being a solid Labour party line guy to really being a brave and strong London leader who makes you proud of all of it.

Trevor and Simon were the best thing on kid's TV when I was growing up, and my favourite moment was when one of them (I think it was Trevor) when they were doing their comedy music for kid's juke box jury style bit on Saturday morning (this must have been pretty late in my kid's TV watching and i'm guessing i used to turn on for Grandstand half an hour early just to watch this segment), just suddenly broke character, confronted by another early 90s awful track, and said "Do any of you like The Jam?"

I mean, you know, Andy Murray, obviously, it's Andy Murray I really love. But, as people say, Judy Murray has done more, as an individual, for British tennis than millions and millions of pounds and years of infrastructure. And she had to put up with plenty of shit for it. And she's created sport's most prominent male feminist.

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